Working Through COVID-19

Part 5 of 7

In 2021, a year after the arrival of a novel Coronavirus in Texas caused the University to make unprecedented changes in its operations, we asked some of our staff, “What has it been like to work at UT Dallas during the COVID-19 outbreak?” Here are their responses.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

Benjamin Hong

In the face of the pandemic, UT Dallas has shown that the safety of its staff, faculty and students are of the utmost importance. We were provided ample resources to work from home, and as we continue to transition to our “different normal,” we’re been provided flexible scheduling options while ensuring necessary accommodations on campus. I also have absolute trust in the University community that they will follow all guidelines in place whenever I come on campus. Business on campus continues to flow smoothly and progress has not slowed down at all because of the safe environment UTD has created for all its stakeholders.

Benjamin Hong
Administrative Project Coordinator I


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