Tennis Courts
Helix Hall (RHH)
- 400 beds
- 24/7 reception desk
- Study and meeting areas
- Laundry room
- Kitchen
- Lighted outdoor basketball and volleyball courts
Edith O'Donnell Arts and Technology Building (ATC)
- 157,920 sq.ft.
- 1200 seat auditorium
- Motion capture lab
- Animation suite
- Sound design studio
- Echo-free sound chamber
- Exposition space
- 2D art studios, 3D art studios, and darkrooms
- Certified
LEED [Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design]
Construction Photos >
Video Tour: Part 1 | Part 2
Loop Road
Completed in phases between 2013-2015
Mapleshade Lane
Completed in phases between 2013-2015
Synergy Park North (SPN)
Parking Structure 1 (PS1)
- 251,500 sq.ft.
- 750 parking spaces
- 220kw solar photovoltaic array
- Net-zero energy building